Apostle, love doctor, musician, television presenter, motivational speaker and husband are the different facets that make up Marvin Trinity Kamoga. Earning most of his living from what born-again Christians perceive as secular activities has generated rumours about his true self.
In the entertainment circles, he goes by Prince Luv, a name given to him in 2006 by one of his female fans from Makerere University where he was a presenter at Campus FM 107.
“This Jackie girl from Africa Hall said I was Prince Luv because of the passionate love songs I used to play on my radio show, Oasis of Love,” says Kamoga. “I became the Campus FM love doctor because many campus girls used to seek my advice on love matters.”
Prince Luv soon left to join Record TV to host Super Girl, a music talent search show, and later Best of Uganda with Patrico Mujuuka. Today, he presents Golden Voice, a gospel music talent search show at the same station.
Besides his radio and television stints, Prince Luv is a singer. He started singing in church in 1996, three years after he got saved. But it was 10 years later that he released his first album, It’s Yo Luv.
For him it has always been about love. Even his 2009 six-track album is about love. In the title track, Njakukyatula, he sings about falling in love so deeply that he can hardly eat, sleep, or think clearly.
The video of the song, which is enjoying ample airplay on Record TV, shows him with two ladies, one of whom is the object of his desire. She’s the voluptuous girl in tight pink pants, and the two “lovebirds” are seen hugging cozily.
Njakukyatula is a laidback passionately sang song; a melody easy on the ear. Unlike other songs on the album, it defines Kamoga as a gifted singer, except that it may not amuse those who know him as an apostle with Perfect Love & Holy Ghost Fire International Ministries, the Ugandan version of Perfect Love World Revival Ministries of Bishop Mike Shaw of the United States. But he won’t beat himself up for what people think.
“I totally disagree with believers or pastors who say it’s wrong for a born-again to sing a love song; it’s totally being conservative because we also fall in love while at Church though we try to do it the right way,” says Prince Luv. “Singing a love song is good and appreciated provided you keep your character upright.”
Keeping his character right is not what many might think when they try to marry his gregariousness and flamboyancy –the fancy attires, sunglasses, the accent, and his pinned ears.
But this, says Prince Luv, is how he likes it, adding quickly: “My main thing though, is using the gifts God has blessed me with to help the youth taste the goodness of Jesus Christ, who is my only influence and Master.”
How does he ward off attention from the girls, if any?
“Trinity is married to Hannah Faith Kamoga and a father to Mc’Clurkin Trinity Kamoga,” he says. “I love my family so much that I always make it hard for intruders.”
He has his eyes set on becoming a more successful man of God, attaining international recognition as a musician and actor, but above all, giving his son a great future.
--Sunday Monitor, March 22, 2009