Album: Christ in Da Youth Culture
Number of Tracks: Twelve
Reviewer: Dennis D. Muhumuza
This is the group's first album. It's a blend of R n' B and soft hip-hop with a message targeting urban youth.
Searching For Love, the first track, affirms that true love and happiness can only be found in Chr

Time to Worship is a swipe at modern day worship of Baal and cries out to all to worship the one true God.
Ministry versus Industry, perhaps the sweetest song on the album carries the message of the peril of living in the immediate.
Jerusalem is a militaristic hit dressed in soulful caress while I Wanna be like You talks of how Jesus threw moneychangers out of His Fathers temple. It has an alluring chorus and is sung in earnest to enchant the listener.
Worthy is the Lamb, is about how holy, worthy and loving Jesus is.
Trumpet Call convicts the youth to shun wrong influences and seek true destiny in Christ who paid for it with his blood while in What Would I Do, the singers reveal their willingness to go wherever master Jesus wants them.
Is God Really Good, is a catchy examination of the goodness of God.
I Pray is a soulful melody sung with compassion that knows no bounds.
Ma All, is a thanksgiving song.
Hell on Earth is a song that paints a grim picture of sin on earth.
The nimble blending of vocals, the accompanying instruments and the fact that the singers sing in retrospect about their 'bad-boy' days before they embraced salvation through Christ Jesus makes this album unique.
Published in Daily Monitor, May 13, 2007