Suddenly another face looms. This time, it’s brown, with beautiful eyes, and full lips that open into an enigmatic smile. The lustre of her skin and that disarming figure, oh, isn't she lovely!
It's exactly three years since you left school. You got that dream job and the shillings are gushing in but loneliness has had its swipe at your life; you want to bring home some sweet girl to colour up your otherwise dull life. Of the two women, whom would you walk down the aisle with?
Of course, for countless men the 'beautiful' one will take the day even when they know regrets are bound to come in soon or later. This is because men are pompous and like to flash flashy stuff even when the 'ugly' make the best partners.
In life, senior members of society talking from experience have warned men to be wary of very attractive women because they are often the objects fantasies and sexual desires on the part of men who will knock their nails off trying to chase them; even kill for it.
The ugly on the other hand gives a peace of mind, as few males will want to chase them. That plain looking girl will give her all to make things work because the man in her life is all she has. When you are feeling "little boy blue" after losing your job, she'll hold you close like a teddy bear and cuddle your worries away.
Honesty, trust, hope and wholesome love is what she brings in a relationship if you're man enough and don't drive her away. Like Branche in Richard Wright's Lawd Today, she may not be awfully good looking but man, if she really loves her man "she'll give him the kind of love that would make a wildcat squall."
She'll hold a good job; buy you clothes and "swipe home some good eats." Soft and chummy, she'll bury her head in your chest, kiss you, and playfully beg you never to leave her. Then she'll nestle closer for a little dose of love and generally make you feel on top of the world.
As for the pretty women, they are a conniving lot who always want some more. She'll nag about airtime, salon money and even when she earns more, she will not stop to remind you to take her to expensive places as if her life depends on them. You've to string along with her because other sharks will be waiting in line to lie at her feet and worship her.
But in the ugly looking girl, God in his own good fashion had to fill the void as Julius Mutabazi, a born again Christian said, "We are always swayed by the physical attributes but the ugly woman usually possesses the beauty of the heart that endures to posterity. It's the legacy of the beauty of the inmost being that is forever unshakable -from everlasting to everlasting, it always shall glitter."
Ironically, beautiful women are scared of getting fat, forgetting that the "fatter the berry the sweeter the juice," as Richard Wright wrote. They spend their days in beauty parlours and take to indecent dressing: bikinis or hot body-hugging mini-skirts that make men imagine all things. She owns no love in her soul and will always come after your money.
The true definition of beauty, according to the Bible, is fearing the Lord. So the girl whose 'ugliness' you laughed at from way back at school, will wear out her feet on the cold rugged floor in the comfort of her room having divine romance with the Lord while the beautiful one will be shaking her booty in Club Silk.
Besides, since time immemorial, smashing women have been trouble. Look at what Eve did to humankind, how Delilah destroyed the mighty Samson, what would have happened if Juliet had not confused Romeo? How many great men does Ihuoma in Elechi Amadi's The Concubine destroy?
At the end of the road, what is on the outside won't change the inner ugliness of a beautiful woman, which is why the not so good looking woman takes the reward. For all you ugly women out there, be content -your good works will bring you praise at the city gate.
Published in Daily Monitor, on September 21, 2006